
16 Mar 2013


Diposting oleh bloggy Imajination di 3/16/2013 07:21:00 AM

Online trading is one of the popular things people all around the world. Because it can facilitate someone buying and selling. Using the advanced technology someone can easily buying and selling so it will be more efficient and effective. Therefore the people would prefer to buy something better goods and services with an online system. especially for someone which has a extraordinary busyness. there are good and bad effects with the online trading is an example of good things we can learn as save time and not have to bother going to a destination we only need to interact with it using gadjet connected with Internet network. but the adverse effects could be felt if we choose the wrong online shopping store and we could be fooled finally we experience a loss, sometimes the things we are not liking the message, maybe it is one of the some of things to consider before shopping online
In many cases, an e-commerce company can survive not only rely on the power of the product, but with the management team of reliable, timely delivery, good service, good business organizational structure, network infrastructure and security, website design good, some of factors which include:
1.      Provide competitive price
2.      Providing services purchase responsive, fast, and friendly.
3.      Provide information on goods and services that are complete and clear.
4.      Provides many bonuses such as coupons, special offers, and discounts.
5.      Giving special attention such as the proposed purchase.
6.      Provide a sense of community for discussion, feedback from customers, and others.
7.      Trading easier

as my experience when doing online shopping at one of the famous online store and official, when I purchased a product fashion, when I have visited the website and look at the product catalog of one of the items which I bought and I immediately call the contact shown and after it sends a certain amount of money following shipping costs. At the time the money that I submit with shipping cost Rp10000 and Iam waiting for the goods that I ordered for two days. when it the goods have been arrived home, it turns out the seller contacted me and he said that the shipping costs are less because of the initial cost of Rp10000 be Rp17000 and I was immediately sent the shipping money because he felt sorry for the salesman, my principle that life is to be honest. That's one of my experiences about the online trading using technology

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